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Recycler pour mieux reconstruire – Le monde magique de Lorenzo

This sheet offers an activity aimed at getting children to be creative using recyclable materials to improve an object or invent a new object. To do after watching the Un croissant avec ça, La fuite d’eau et Le déchet créatif episodes from Le monde magique de Lorenzo series (each video is 7mins) Save to Board […]

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rfi SAVOIRS Les voix du monde / rfi apprendre & enseigner le Français

Keywords: les fruits, les légumes, l’habitation, le transport, les heures de la journée, les émotions, la famille, j’aime, je n’aime pas, Searches can be made by thématique, rubrique, objectif, niveau de français, et type de contenus. Le niveau A1 (link above) has 10 results. 8 about société and 2 about culture. All activities have lesson […]

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National Gallery of Canada – Musée des Beaux Arts du Canada

The National Gallery of Art website is the official website for National treasures and collections of art, officially recognized at the capital, in Ottawa, Ontario, Canada. The National Art Gallery provides its content in both English and French, and provides resources for teachers, students, adults and families. Specific Resource for Teachers – The National Gallery […]

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Musée des Beaux-Arts du Canada/National Gallery of Canada

The National Gallery of Canada contains a variety of different collections of art, especially Canadian art, and prides itself on its accessibility to the public across the country. The National Gallery of Art website is the official website for National treasures and collections of art, officially recognized at the capital, in Ottawa, Ontario, Canada. The […]

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Mômes par parents

Vous avez envie de passer un moment agréable avec les mômes ? Que vous soyez parents ou des proches des enfants, enseignants, ATSEM, Ass Mat, nounous ou animateurs. Trouvez des tas d’idées d’activités sur Momes.net 9 et partagez-les avec nous. Ici, on échange tous nos idées d’activités pour s’amuser avec les enfants et on pose […]

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Mini TFO Kids / Flip TFO, Plus TFO, Idello

Educational French language videos, films and TV shows for kids, youth and adults based on Canada’s francophonie. Also quality educational certified content for students, parents and teachers from K-12. TFO provides educational content in French for children, teens and adults in four different categories. Mini TFO offers educational videos, cartoons, animated films, TV shows for […]

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This website offers resources for several subjects, games, quizzes, a real wealth of activities and assessments that will help teachers, parents and students. Lumni est la nouvelle offre de l’audiovisuel public au service de l’éducation pour les élèves, les enseignants et les éducateurs et qui regroupe tous les acteurs de l’audiovisuel public. Cette offre éducative […]

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Lightbulb Languages

This site is packed with over 7000 language resources written by language teachers for language teachers. French for beginners, A level. Resources include sound files, puzzles and games, interactive games, etc. Save to Board […]

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Grade 1-3 Workbook French Immersion PDF

A PDF workbook for school-aged children in Grades JK-3 for various levels, core french, and immersion students. Learning occurs through hands-on activities that is associated with the Canadian Parents for French website, but provides PDF learning materials for students. A PDF workbook for school aged children (Grade 1-3), which could be used also for pre-primary […]

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Is French Immersion ‘Suitable’ for Children with Dyslexia?

Dr. Nancy Wise dispels common myths about the ‘suitability’ of French immersion (FI) for children with dyslexia. She shares research evidence obtained by leading investigators indicating that, with the provision of supports both in and outside of school, students with dyslexia can benefit from participation in FI. Nancy highlights the importance of early screening in […]

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