Il s'agit d'un plan de leçon pour le niveau élémentaire. L'objectif est de faire comprendre aux enfants qu'ils ont des droits en tant qu'enfant. Save to Board […]
Education Level: 6
Plan de Cours pour les Verbes et La Négation en Français (avec des ressources)
This resource is a lesson plan that entails activities incorporating the french verbs and negation for approximately the grade 6 core french level in Ontario. It includes online resources that […]
A list of recommendations on how to incorporate intercultural competence in FSL teaching. Save to Board […]
A list of recommendations on how to incorporated environmental education in FSL. Save to Board […]
Introduction to French – French Language Textbook
This language textbook provides mini introductory lessons for those who would like to refine or learn common French skills. Save to Board […]
La vente-débarras: A multidisciplinary project that involves math, French and culture. Students will learn the art of selling items while conducting a conversation in French.
It is a series of slide deck that aims at mapping out the road for educators that would like to duplicate this work. Learning the art to present, convince and […]
Activité interactive sur les fruits tropicaux (accompagnement de ressource)
Pour accompagner la ressource créée par Taciana de Lira e Silva intitulée LES FRUITS TROPICAUX – TROPICAL FRUIT – GRADES 3 – 6 IMMERSION, AND GRADES 6 – 8 CORE […]
PELF – Pédagogie à l’école de langue française
Many videos addressing different situations in a French school classroom. “Par exemple, l’importance de l’identité linguistique et culturelle, la qualité de la langue, les familles exogames, l’autonomie, les accents, la […]
Engagement or Despondence? Ontario Middle-School Core French Teachers’ Perceptions of and Experiences with the 2013 Ontario French as a Second Language Curriculum
This resource looks at the implementation of the revised Ontario French as a Second Language curriculum in 2014. It brings in perspectives of FSL teachers and sheds light on how […]
PELF – Pédagogie à l’école de langue française
Many videos addressing different situations in a French school classroom. “Par exemple, l’importance de l’identité linguistique et culturelle, la qualité de la langue, les familles exogames, l’autonomie, les accents, la […]