Objectifs du projet : Développement de la pédagogie Globally Networked Learning (GNL) ou Écoles en réseau (ÉER ), partage de savoirs culturels, connaissances et expériences pédagogiques, intégration des enseignant.es intéressé.es […]
Education Level: 8
L’art dans la classe de FLS – Entrevue avec des élèves du programme français de base
Cette vidéo présente des entretiens menés par l’enseignante Chafica Al-Dahr, porteuse du projet L’Art dans la classe de FLS. Elle y rencontre des élèves en programme de base en français […]
Tip Sheet Indigenous Education in FSL and in general education
This resource will help teachers incorporate and nurture a holistic approach to learning. Save to Board […]
Introduction to French – French Language Textbook
This language textbook provides mini introductory lessons for those who would like to refine or learn common French skills. Save to Board […]
La vente-débarras: A multidisciplinary project that involves math, French and culture. Students will learn the art of selling items while conducting a conversation in French.
It is a series of slide deck that aims at mapping out the road for educators that would like to duplicate this work. Learning the art to present, convince and […]
Elitist, Inequitable and Exclusionary Practices: A Problem within Ontario French Immersion Programs?
This literature review is intended to shed light on the French Immersion Programs in Canada. The author tries to address certain concerns that exist within a French Immersion school board; […]
PELF – Pédagogie à l’école de langue française
Many videos addressing different situations in a French school classroom. “Par exemple, l’importance de l’identité linguistique et culturelle, la qualité de la langue, les familles exogames, l’autonomie, les accents, la […]
Engagement or Despondence? Ontario Middle-School Core French Teachers’ Perceptions of and Experiences with the 2013 Ontario French as a Second Language Curriculum
This resource looks at the implementation of the revised Ontario French as a Second Language curriculum in 2014. It brings in perspectives of FSL teachers and sheds light on how […]
Inclusionary Practises in French Immersion: A Need to Link Research to Practise
This article sheds light on the inequities in the French Immersion Program. It explores key issues such as access to language support, retention, educational support for teachers with students with […]
PELF – Pédagogie à l’école de langue française
Many videos addressing different situations in a French school classroom. “Par exemple, l’importance de l’identité linguistique et culturelle, la qualité de la langue, les familles exogames, l’autonomie, les accents, la […]