Un gabarit pour les leçons quotidiennes que j'affiche pour mes étudiants chaque jour. À la fin de chaque unité, je crée un nouveau document. Save to Board […]
Education Level: 9
La science de s’enfuir : jeu d’évasion pour les élèves du secondaire
Un jeu d'évasion pour réfléchir à quelques concepts de physique Save to Board […]
A list of recommendations on how to incorporate intercultural competence in FSL teaching. Save to Board […]
A list of recommendations on how to incorporated environmental education in FSL. Save to Board […]
La vente-débarras: A multidisciplinary project that involves math, French and culture. Students will learn the art of selling items while conducting a conversation in French.
It is a series of slide deck that aims at mapping out the road for educators that would like to duplicate this work. Learning the art to present, convince and […]
Ontario Ministry of Education: Education Funding, Technical Paper
This paper aims to shed light on the funding allocations for the Grants for Students Needs in the 2011 – 2012 school year. This paper also intends to provide information […]
Quality Learning in French Second Language in New Brunswick
This paper seeks to understand how students in a French as a Second Language program can utilize their skills even after they graduate from high school. It specifically looks at […]
Student Attrition in Specialized High School Programs: An Examination of three French Immersion Centres
This study attempts to understand why boys and girls are deciding to leave French Immersion schools at the high school level. Factors that impact one’s decision to leave include: the […]
Qu’est-ce qu’il faut faire pour attirer l’intérêt de nos étudiants?
A list of advice to motivate students to learn French Save to Board […]
PELF – Pédagogie à l’école de langue française
Many videos addressing different situations in a French school classroom. “Par exemple, l’importance de l’identité linguistique et culturelle, la qualité de la langue, les familles exogames, l’autonomie, les accents, la […]