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Life after French Immersion: expectations, motivations, and outcomes of secondary school french immersion programs in the greater Toronto area (English)

A dissertation that explores French Immersion education from three perspectives: parents enrolling their children into early FI programs; current FI students who have pursued FI to grade 12; and graduates of FI programs in Ontario. The findings of the research found that parents of FI students believed their child would become bilingual because of their […]

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Diversité sexuelle et de genre

This resource aims to prepare learners to become human rights advocates through reflection, conscientiousness, and action. Students become familiarized with the Declaration of Human Rights and the Canadian Chart of Rights and Freedom, learn to connect the documents’ goals to real life, become critical of reality, begin to seek ways to change injustices. Save to […]

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This learning unit explores how poverty, itinerance, violence, etc. are a reality in the lives of many Canadian women, especially indigenous women. The author suggests it can be taught from grade 7 to 12, and the learning unit comprehends 3 lessons of 60 minutes each. Save to Board […]

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This unit has 4 classes of 60 minutes each, for grades 7 to 12. Students learn about the history of Yugoslavia and at the same time on how to become activists in their own environment. Save to Board […]

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This is a learning unit about human rights, for students from grades 9 to 12. Students can be inspired by Mme. Louise Arbour’s speech found on Youtube. Save to Board […]

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The Multilingual Advantage: Foreign Language as a Social Skill in a Globalized World

In an increasingly globalized and interconnected world, a multilayered contact of local, regional, international languages and linguae franc he is the norm, rather than the exception. Much has been written about the bilingual advantage, but beyond the bilingual advantage lies the multilingual advantage, both for the individual and for society at large. Foreign language skills […]

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Texts in French Featuring BIPOC For French as a Second Language Classes

We hope this slideshow will help you find texts that you can use in French as Second Language classrooms that feature BIPOC doing ordinary & extraordinary things, as well as texts that help in addressing colonialism, racism, and other oppressions. Accessibility Tips — Music Videos Featuring BIPOC — Colonialism/anti-colonialism/Environment/Migration — Racism/Anti-Racism/Feminism/Movements/Experiences with Migration — Featuring […]

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Résumer, synthétiser, argumenter

Le manuel RÉSUMER, SYNTHÉTISER, ARGUMENTER s’adresse aux étudiants de français langue seconde de niveau avancé (3e ou 4e année universitaire, essentiellement). Profitant des possibilités qu’offre le format multimédia, le manuel intègre un certain nombre d’exercices autocorrigés et de présentations sur des points de langue. Ce manuel se présente dans un format multistandard et multiplateforme. On […]

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Ressources en éducation autochtone pour les enseignants

Cette liste comprend toutes les ressources utilisées dans les quatre ateliers en éducation autochtone de la FECB: 1) L’exercice des couvertures, 2) Le legs des écoles résidentielles, 3) La déconstruction des stéréotypeset 4) Infuser principes et contenu autochtones dans votre enseignement. BCTF — FCE — Les sites des conseils scolaires — Guide terminologique autochtone — […]

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Quizizz is a creativity software company used in class, group works, pre-test review, exams, unit test, and impromptu tests. It allows students and teachers to be online at the same time. Ideal for students from Grade 3 to 12. Great for Instructional Design, Game-Based Learning, Assessment, Formative Assessment. This is a good multiple-choice-style quiz tool […]

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