Une collection de vidéoclips authentiques, en français, provenant des plateformes TikTok et Instagram. Le collection est organisée sous forme d'une base de données. Save to Board […]
Education Level: Other
French for life, say oui to opportunity
C’est un livret qui sert comme guide aux parents ainsi qu”aux enseignants. Il explique dans ses 20 pages le rôle que la langue français joue mondialement, ls effets du bilinguisme sur le cerveau, comment les parents peuvent aider leurs enfants, et comment l’enseignement et l’apprentissage du français de base ont évolué au fil des années. […]
Access to special education for exceptional students in French immersion programs: An equity issue
This resource aims to shed light on the inequities that exist within French Immersion programs for students with special needs. The author highlights the importance of maintaining a fair standard for all students who wish to succeed in a French Immersion program. There must be more funding and resources allocated to special needs students so […]
L’apprentissage à distance pour les élèves ayant des besoins particuliers : fiche-conseil pour les parents/tutrices/tuteurs
Cette fiche-conseil propose des stratégies pour aider les parents, les familles, et les tuteurs d’élèves ayant des besoins particuliers à soutenir leur élève pendant l’apprentissage en ligne. Ces stratégies sont réparties dans les quatre catégories suivantes : soutenir votre enfant, communiquer avec l’école, aider le personnel enseignant à comprendre votre enfant, et utiliser la technologie. […]
Exploring How Ontario School Administrators’ FSL Background Knowledge and Experience Influence Their Support of FSL Teachers
This resource analyzes the importance of school administration and how their knowledge and expertise in FSL impacts their ability to provide support for French as a Second Language teachers. It also explains how important it is for there to be more FSL training implemented for administrators so that they can accurately provide feedback for FSL […]
Reframing FSL Teacher Learning: Small Stories of (Re)Professionalization and Identity Formation
This resource highlights the importance of supporting teachers through the use of professional development training and language training. There is an urgency to ensure that French as a Second Language teachers become active learners so that they can reclaim their identity and offer their skills in the educational field. Save to Board […]
Yes Oui Can: Addressing British Columbia’s Shortage of French Immersion Teachers
This article addresses the shortage of qualified French as a Second Language teachers in British Columbia. It looks at solving these problems through the use of educational and language support to help French Immersion teachers and teacher/professional development training. Save to Board […]
Inclusionary Practises in French Immersion: A Need to Link Research to Practise
This article sheds light on the inequities in the French Immersion Program. It explores key issues such as access to language support, retention, educational support for teachers with students with learning disabilities in their classroom etc for students with learning disabilities. It focuses on how these key issues can be addressed so that language learners […]
Dyslexia in the Classroom
This article focuses on the struggles of a student with dyslexia in the French Immersion program. The article sheds light on how parents and teachers must be in constant communication and devise a learning plan for the student in order for them to progress at an appropriate speed and ultimately succeed in learning two languages. […]
Self-Efficacy Beliefs of Novice French as a Second Language Teachers: A Case Study of Ontario Teachers
Tous les participants étaient les enseignants du français-cadre ou d’immersion (1er à 8e année). Ils étaient dans leurs premières 3 années d’enseignement. Cette étude examine la confiance des enseignants dans leur pédagogie de L2, leurs compétences linguistiques et leurs connaissances culturelles. L’étude montre que les enseignants du FLS aux écoles primaires en Ontario « ne […]