CPF – Canadian Parents for French is primarily designed with the needs of parents in mind, but is a comprehensive portal that links to external resources, and promotes the advocacy […]
Program: Late Extended
Canadian FSL Teacher Candidate Beliefs about Students with Learning Difficulties
Through the lens of critical theory, and with consideration of research on the beliefs of teacher candidates and inclusion, this study considers the views of French Second Language pre-service teachers […]
Bonne Chance Worksheets
A collection of worksheets focusing on grammar for students who are learning French, which can be applied to beginner in core french classes, to beginner adult learners, and can provide […]
“Ne suis-je pas une femme ?” (Re)découvrons Sojourner Truth
Cette célèbre abolitionniste noire américaine a été une figure féministe du XIXe siècle This article provides biographical information about the legacy and accomplishments of Sojourner Truth, who fought for equality […]
Ain’t I a woman ? / Ne suis-je pas une femme ?
Francais Discours prononcé en 1851,à la Women’s Convention de Akron, Ohio, USA. English This brochure offers two different transcripts of Sojourner Truth’s “Ain’t I a Woman” speech, translated from English […]
A Guide to Reflective Practice for Core French Teachers / MODULE 2 Positive Learning Environment
This recourse includes classroom management tips for different grades. This is a guide to reflective practice on creating positive learning environments in French core classrooms to engage students and build […]