This is an inspired collection from an open crowdsourced collection by #creativeHE, presenting a diverse array of ideas on the potential uses of H5P in language education. This collection serves as a valuable referral resource for language teachers, for those who use or are planning to use H5P in their teaching learning environments. This document […]
Program: Other
Creating Accessible Interactive OER with H5P for Language Teaching (FSL and ESL)
This Camerise course is developed by the Camerise Project at York University is funded by the Ontario Ministry of Education and by Canadian Heritage. This free massively open online course (MOOC) focuses on the foundations and contemporary challenges of open, inclusive and accessible education in pre-university and higher education in Ontario. It mobilizes an approach […]
Créer des REL interactives et accessibles pour l’enseignement des langues (FLS et ASL)
Ce cours est développé par le projet Camerise de l’Université York (Canada) est financé par le ministère de l'éducation de l'Ontario et par Patrimoine canadien. porte sur les fondements et enjeux contemporains de l’éducation ouverte, les pédagogies inclusives et accessibles en enseignement pré-universitaire et supérieur en Ontario. Il mobilise une approche centrée sur les valeurs […]
classes : une expérience de développement professionnel collectif de longue haleine
Ce texte de Stéphane Allaire rend compte de l’expérience de codesign d’un guide pédagogique vécue par son auteur. Le cas est celui de la mise en réseau de classes du primaire et du secondaire. Il remonte à 2010 et s’est appuyé sur une dizaine d’années de recherche menées par une équipe multicentrique, en collaboration avec […]
What are OER and Why are they Important?
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The CEFR in Action: A glossary for the practical application of the framework in Ontario FSL classrooms
This glossary offers explanations and definitions rooted in classroom practice, in the Ontario FSL curriculum as well as in the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (2001). This work is unique in that the goal is to provide detailed definitions so that teachers and teacher candidates can make clear connections between the theoretical influences […]
Critical Perspectives of the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages: The CEFR in practice
This two-part professional development series deals with data collected via online surveys and interviews with a small research sample of 6 different experts in the field concerning opinions, uses and critical approaches to the CEFR, specifically as it relates to teacher candidates. This series will cover a variety of discussions surrounding the practical application of […]
Critical Perspectives of the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFR): An introduction to the framework
This two-part professional development series deals with data collected via online surveys and interviews with a small research sample of 6 different experts in the field concerning opinions, uses and critical approaches to the CEFR, specifically as it relates to teacher candidates. This series will cover a variety of discussions surrounding the practical application of […]
Counting Animals Quiz
A short quiz based on the story Counting Animals by Zanele Buthelezi, Thembani Dladla and Clare Verbeek. Save to Board […]
Regional OER Guidelines: Cameroon (French)
This is a research by a group in Cameroon who studied the potential benefits of using Open Education Resources in their educational system. There are practical steps to achieve this goal. This resource is inspiring as it can be used as an example for other contexts. Save to Board […]