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Vocabulaire, les professions

The video presents people singing about different professions, in the masculine and feminine. It also explains how to pronounce the end of the feminine and masculine words. Learning is connected to real world experiences. Students can also talk about professions that are considered mainly for men or women, how they have evolved overtime, and how […]

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The Problems with French Immersion

Proponents of French immersion say that students enrolled in the program see benefits throughout their lifetime. Yet, as demand for the program grows, the number of graduates don’t reflect that trend. The Agenda ponders the pitfalls of the province’s French immersion education system. Participants are debating on the question asked by Steve Paikin : What […]

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Restoring the Balance: A Short History of Gendered Colonization in Canada

“Explore the gendered nature of colonization and genocide in Canada, with particular reference to the histories of Indigenous women, girls, Two-Spirited and transgendered people. Drawing on the testimonies shared during the National Inquiry into Murdered and Missing Indigenous Women and Girls, as well as traditional stories from Metis, Inuit and First Nations communities, Dr. Karine […]

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Le laboratoire de journalisme de Radio-Canada. Un site avec quelques articles, mais majoritairement des vidéos afin de prendre l’information accessible. Save to Board […]

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Prononciation : les finales muettes dans les verbes

Description: Learn to pronounce the ends of the verbs (Je crois, tu vois, il faut, etc.). Additionally, learn about eco-tourism and some tourist cities in France, and French geography. Keywords: pronunciation, verb pronunciation, French tourism, eco-tourism. Réflexion personnelle: Pourquoi est-il meilleur pour la planète si les gens font le tourisme local? Duration of two videos:.49″ […]

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Podcast français facile

Vous trouverez sur le site podcastfrancaisfacile.com des textes et des exercices avec le MP3 à télécharger.Vous pourrez ainsi pratiquer la grammaire, la conjugaison… Ressources en ligne pour étudier ou enseigner le français langue étrangère. Le site « Podcast français facile » ainsi que la Chaîne YouTube de Vincent Durrenberger héberge une grande variété d’activités, exercices […]

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Planning Conversations to Support FSL Students

This is a learning module with a series of case studies as examples and prompts for participants reflection. “This section includes examples of conversations that school teams may have when planning to support students with special education needs in FSL programs. They are based on three different case studies. In these instances, the school teams […]

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Peuples autochtones

Plusieurs sujets à propos des peuples autochtones sont abordés sur cette page: le droit de vote des peuples autochtones (*), la colonisation, les pensionnats, la traite des fourrures, Louis Riel, la guerre de 1812, le peuple Inuit, le Métis et les Premières Nations. Il existe également un guide pédagogique, des activités d’art et d’écriture, des […]

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