Publisher: Toronto Public Library
Hosted by: www.torontopubliclibrary.ca
Submitted by: yorkfsl
Date Submitted: April 12, 2021
Des archives numériques de l’Ontario travaille en partenariat avec des réseaux de bibliothèques de tout l’Ontario pour fournir l’accès au contenu et service spécialement ciblé pour les Ontariens de tous âges, de toutes origines ethniques et de partout dans la province. Nous reconnaissons et remercions la contribution des bibliothèques publiques d’Hamilton, Kitchener, Milton, Ottawa, Timmins et Windsor.
The Digital Archives of Ontario provides users, students and patrons specifically – also widely in French language resources and materials, that are geared to all ages. The archives are created by the Toronto Public Library, including historical Canadian content, which is provided in both official languages. This is a great resources for French teaching, and French language learning for students in the secondary panel.
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