Publisher: FSL Recruitment and Retention research team
Author: Dr. Gail Prasad and FSL BEd team
Hosted by: www.youtube.com
Submitted by: Michael
Date Submitted: December 1, 2021
This is the second session in an online webinar series launched in response to data collected in a larger 3-year study on FSL Recruitment and Retention conducted by Dr. Stephanie Arnott and Dr. Mimi Masson at the University of Ottawa and Dr. Muriel Peguret and Dr. Gail Prasad at York University. This panel features 2 in-service FSL teachers and teacher candidates following a question-and-answer formation of bilingual discussion. Students had the opportunity to ask in-service Core French teachers anything relating to their experiences and challenges as well as strategies and resources to help tackle real life in the FSL classroom.
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