Hosted by: forum.ca
Submitted by: yorkfsl
Date Submitted: April 12, 2021
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A one week experience visiting Ottawa’s Senate and House of Commons and interacting with the Speaker of each chamber, the Clerks and the Pages. High school students enrolled in bilingual education programming across Canada will be able to attend a reception and network with Senators, Members of Parliament, and other important decision-makers. Visit Rideau Hall, the official residence of the Governor General of Canada or the Supreme Court of Canada.
This one week program is for high school students throughout Canada who are interested in learning more about the Canadian system of government. Students in FSL programming who would like to contribute to the future of their community and country and are interested in learning more about the decision-making process in Canada can apply. Bursaries are available in some cases, as the cost to participation in simulation government activities and meeting members of parliament is approximately $1000 CAD. For students who want to create meaningful relationships with others from across Canada who share similar interests and practise their bilingual language skills.
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