Publisher: International Dyslexia Association Ontario Branch
Author: Wise, Nancy
Hosted by: youtu.be
Submitted by: yorkfsl
Date Submitted: April 12, 2021
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Dr. Nancy Wise dispels common myths about the ‘suitability’ of French immersion (FI) for children with dyslexia. She shares research evidence obtained by leading investigators indicating that, with the provision of supports both in and outside of school, students with dyslexia can benefit from participation in FI. Nancy highlights the importance of early screening in the FI setting to identify K/Gr. 1 students who may be at risk for reading disabilities, and the supports children with dyslexia need to increase their opportunities for success in FI. These supports include structured literacy instruction, early intervention, progress monitoring, and the provision of accommodations to help them with the achievement of curriculum expectations. Strategies parents can implement to support their child’s French language learning journey will be recommended.
Dr. Nancy Wise is an educational consultant who specializes in French immersion. She has a Ph.D. in Second Language Education and a M.Ed. in Special Education from OISE/University of Toronto. Nancy worked for 28 years as a Special Education teacher for the York Region District School Board. She spent 20 of those years in the French immersion context, advocating for students with diverse learning needs. Nancy has done presentations for school boards, teacher organizations, and parent groups. Her research has been published by the Ontario Ministry of Education and in peer-reviewed educational journals.
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