Publisher: Le Centre franco
Author: Le Centre franco
Hosted by: www.lecentrefranco.ca
Submitted by: yorkfsl
Date Submitted: April 12, 2021
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The CFORP is an organization that supports in a multitude of ways the French language education in Ontario through teaching and learning resource development as well as through professional development for educators or teachers in training, providing information on becoming a qualified teacher in Ontario, and bringing together educational experts and specialists around technological projects such as forma pro for continuing education, or numeric, a service providing access to thousands of online pedagogical tools and resources.
The website for Le CFORP is a hub in its own right, offering a host of pedagogical services, initiatives, tools and general information. With an overall objective to develop, improve and contribute to a thriving French as a second language educational environment in Ontario, this Centre brings together learning activities for various school-age groups, self-directed learning modules for professional development, and a number of technological projects aimed at educational professionals. Through one of the related websites dedicated to prospective teachers, the CFORP also organizes a series of online chats/talks to provide information on becoming a teacher in Ontario. The recorded talks are also made available through the CFORP’s YouTube channel.
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