
L’OIF en chiffres

This lesson plan allows students to enrich their knowledge of l’Organisation Internationale de la Francophonie through various activities (video: 4mins 18sec). These activities will push students to practice their French […]

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La naissance de la Francophonie

This lesson plan explains to the class how the Francophonie, as an organization, was formed through various activities. (Audio: 2min 40sec). These activities will teach students to locate important details […]

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La Francophonie dans le monde

This is a lesson plan that explores the geography and history of different regions in la Francophonie. This is a 45-60 minute lesson plan that explores the geography and history […]

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France TV / France TV – France 5

French language video/programming station, specifically in French (France) that offers programming, full-length feature films, news, children’s programming, concerts, live programming, sitcoms, and more. France TV has a variety of programming […]

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The French teaching/French language website is specific to instructors/teachers of French as a Foreign Language, and offers resources for A1, A2, B1, B2, C1, C2 levels plus activities for oral […]

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Flipgrid is a website and app that allows teachers to facilitate video discussions. Students are organized into groups, then given access to discussion topics. The topic space serves as an […]

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Flash Info

Les épisodes peuvent être employés pour les dictées, les devoirs (pour la compréhension orale) ou l’enrichissement en dehors de l’école pour les élèves Un balado de Radio-Canada qui condense les […]

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