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This website offers resources for several subjects, games, quizzes, a real wealth of activities and assessments that will help teachers, parents and students. Lumni est la nouvelle offre de l’audiovisuel public au service de l’éducation pour les élèves, les enseignants et les éducateurs et qui regroupe tous les acteurs de l’audiovisuel public. Cette offre éducative […]

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Les réalisations de la Francophonie

This is a lesson plan that explores the culture of different regions in la Francophonie. This is a 45-60 minute lesson plan that explores the culture of different regions in la Francophonie. It contains links to all the audio and video files necessary for the activities. It can be downloaded as a PDF file. The […]

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Les Décrypteurs

Un site-web qui traque les fausses informations qui se propagent sur les réseaux sociaux pour lutter contre la désinformation. Les Décrypteurs sont membres du International Fact-Checking Network (IFCN). Save to Board […]

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Flipgrid is a website and app that allows teachers to facilitate video discussions. Students are organized into groups, then given access to discussion topics. The topic space serves as an interactive message board where teachers can pose questions and students can post video responses that appear in a tiled grid display. Try using Flipgrid to […]

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This podcast is for French-speaking Black women, and is hosted by Marty and Adama. Together they address women’s health, sexuality, well-being, and professional life. Lancé en janvier 2017, Exhale est le premier podcast à destination des femmes noires francophones. Co-animé par Marty et Adama, celles-ci prennent la parole sur des thématiques qui cultivent l’envie de […]

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Jennifer Gonzalez shares six very useful tech tools to help teachers and students. Tools range from assessment, social-justice and anti-racism education, presentation, media literacy, and even how to identify unbiased news. Jennifer Gonzales shares useful tools and videos tutorials for each tool. Mote (link #2) is a Google Chrome extension that lets you add voice […]

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Apprentissage inspiré de la terre Rapport d’étude de cas : comment intégrer une philosophie autochtone à l’enseignement?

This report discusses a land-inspired program that takes a pan-Indigenous approach for indoor and outdoor learning, directed toward youth in the Kootenay region of British Columbia. Note aux enseignants et aux administrateurs — Sommaire — Contexte actuel de l’éducation autochtone au Canada — Étude de cas : H’a H’a Tumxulaux Outdoor Education Program — Incidences […]

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Africa2020 : sélection de ressources

A combination of subject content, film, music, and the arts aiming to educate French Immersion learners from age 9 to 19, as well as intermediate and secondary Core French students. They are up to date, culture rich primary resources that will help the learner understand and value the African diversity. (Grades 3 -8) Mathématiques, arts […]

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