Find a Mentor in Open Education
Looking for a mentor? We can help connect you with educators and stakeholders who can collaborate, guide and share their insights on FSL/FLA education.
Be a Mentor in Open Education
Looking to pay it forward? Help new teachers and aspiring educators by sharing your own professional experience in FSL/FLA education.
Co-Create/Work on a Project
Working on a FSL/FLA curricular activity? Writing a participatory research paper? Designing a professional AQ or webinar for aspiring curriculum leads or teachers? Organizing an extracurricular event to engage students, parents or caregivers in your school to advocate for FSL/FLA programming?
Tell us more about your project by contacting us. We will facilitate your search for collaboration in the Camerise professional ecosystem.
Become a Partner
At Camerise, we nurture connections and your voice is important to the Camerise community. Get involved as a FSL/FLA partner, or as a partnering organization and we will be happy to welcome you into our ecosystem.