Educational French language videos, films and TV shows for kids, youth and adults based on Canada’s francophonie. Also quality educational certified content for students, parents and teachers from K-12. TFO […]
Learning Material Type: Software
Math Central
A website for Math learners of all ages created and maintained by professors Emeritus at the University of Regina’s Math Department. This site is available in English, French or Spanish […]
Martin Luther King Jr (Teacher Copy) / Learning Task – Le travail de Martin Luther King Jr
Worksheet about the life and work of Martin Luther King Jr to accompany the TV5MONDE video of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Activer – Mise en place — Action — […]
Français L’actualité pour les jeunes propulsée par Radio-Canada vers les plateformes numériques comme YouTube et Instagram. Il y a des contenus drôles et sérieux, tous afin d’amorcer des discussions sur […]
This website offers resources for several subjects, games, quizzes, a real wealth of activities and assessments that will help teachers, parents and students. Lumni est la nouvelle offre de l’audiovisuel […]
Les Décrypteurs
Un site-web qui traque les fausses informations qui se propagent sur les réseaux sociaux pour lutter contre la désinformation. Les Décrypteurs sont membres du International Fact-Checking Network (IFCN). Save to […]
Learning Task – Le travail de Martin Luther King Jr / Martin Luther King Jr (Student Copy)
Student copy of the worksheet about the life and work of Martin Luther King Jr to accompany the TV5MONDE video of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Activer – Mise en […]
Le Centre franco / Centre franco-ontarien de ressources pédagogiques
The CFORP is an organization that supports in a multitude of ways the French language education in Ontario through teaching and learning resource development as well as through professional development […]
A research based phonics and comprehension program for teachers and parents. Distance learning and learning differentiation. This learning app is designed to develop phonics and reading comprehension in primary students. […]
La banque dépannage linguistique / BDL
Les articles sont écrits dans un but pédagogique par des spécialistes de l’Office québécois de la langue française. Un répertoire d’articles répondant à des questions sur la grammaire, l’orthographe, la […]