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CEFR scenarios

A series of lessons inspired by the action-oriented approach aligned with A1 and A2 levels for French as a Second Language Save to Board […]

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L’insécurité linguistique

Cet atelier parlera de l’(in)sécurité linguistique et ses raisons pour la variation ainsi que les solutions dans le contexte FLS. Il vise à faire comprendre aux participant.e.s pourquoi les dialectes sont différents de même que les stratégies pour augmenter la sécurité linguistique. Cela se fera en explorant des différentes variations / dialectes dans la langue […]

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Sharing Holiday Traditions in the Classroom

This is an Edutopia article about sharing holiday traditions in the classroom to get to know your classmates. It provides questions students can ask each other. The questions are easy to translated (e.g., your favourite pastime?, Do you play sports?). It also suggests a game and how to incorporate academic goals to the activity. Save […]

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Teaching FSL through Intercultural Competence (IC)

This resource explains what is Intercultural competence (IC) and why it should be incorporated in FSL teaching. It explains the three parts of a lesson that promotes IC and gives you an example of how to add an intercultural component to a regular lesson. Finally, this document also shows how a teacher can adapt a […]

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This learning unit explores how poverty, itinerance, violence, etc. are a reality in the lives of many Canadian women, especially indigenous women. The author suggests it can be taught from grade 7 to 12, and the learning unit comprehends 3 lessons of 60 minutes each. Save to Board […]

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This unit has 4 classes of 60 minutes each, for grades 7 to 12. Students learn about the history of Yugoslavia and at the same time on how to become activists in their own environment. Save to Board […]

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This is a learning unit about human rights, for students from grades 9 to 12. Students can be inspired by Mme. Louise Arbour’s speech found on Youtube. Save to Board […]

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