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Inclusionary Practises in French Immersion: A Need to Link Research to Practise

This article sheds light on the inequities in the French Immersion Program. It explores key issues such as access to language support, retention, educational support for teachers with students with learning disabilities in their classroom etc for students with learning disabilities. It focuses on how these key issues can be addressed so that language learners […]

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Diversité sexuelle et de genre

This resource aims to prepare learners to become human rights advocates through reflection, conscientiousness, and action. Students become familiarized with the Declaration of Human Rights and the Canadian Chart of Rights and Freedom, learn to connect the documents’ goals to real life, become critical of reality, begin to seek ways to change injustices. Save to […]

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Teaching FSL through Intercultural Competence (IC)

This resource explains what is Intercultural competence (IC) and why it should be incorporated in FSL teaching. It explains the three parts of a lesson that promotes IC and gives you an example of how to add an intercultural component to a regular lesson. Finally, this document also shows how a teacher can adapt a […]

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This learning unit explores how poverty, itinerance, violence, etc. are a reality in the lives of many Canadian women, especially indigenous women. The author suggests it can be taught from grade 7 to 12, and the learning unit comprehends 3 lessons of 60 minutes each. Save to Board […]

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This unit has 4 classes of 60 minutes each, for grades 7 to 12. Students learn about the history of Yugoslavia and at the same time on how to become activists in their own environment. Save to Board […]

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This is a learning unit about human rights, for students from grades 9 to 12. Students can be inspired by Mme. Louise Arbour’s speech found on Youtube. Save to Board […]

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Catalogue collectif de romans FLS pour la diversité

Un site fantastique qui donne des idées de lecture sur le thème de la diversité pour commencer à transformer nos salles de classe. J’aime en particulier les commentaires d’enseignants ayant lu et utilisé la ressource dans leur salle de classe. Un site rempli d’idées. Save to Board […]

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Welcoming ELL into FSL Programs

The speaker talks about research studies related to ELL students in FSL and shares research evidence (p. 8 of the document) that supports the participation of ELL students in FSL studies. Podcast duration 12:15, and companion book. See also: https://transformingfsl.ca/wp-content/uploads/2017/03/Welcoming-English-Language-Learners-into-French-as-a-Second-Language-Programs-Presentation-1.pdf Save to Board […]

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rfi SAVOIRS Les voix du monde / rfi apprendre & enseigner le Français

Keywords: les fruits, les légumes, l’habitation, le transport, les heures de la journée, les émotions, la famille, j’aime, je n’aime pas, Searches can be made by thématique, rubrique, objectif, niveau de français, et type de contenus. Le niveau A1 (link above) has 10 results. 8 about société and 2 about culture. All activities have lesson […]

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Quizizz is a creativity software company used in class, group works, pre-test review, exams, unit test, and impromptu tests. It allows students and teachers to be online at the same time. Ideal for students from Grade 3 to 12. Great for Instructional Design, Game-Based Learning, Assessment, Formative Assessment. This is a good multiple-choice-style quiz tool […]

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