TV5 Monde is a French (Francophone) programming station that features television shows, content, full-feature films, and educational material that can be adapted to various audiences. Learning material features workshops, games, […]
Education Level: All Levels
Phonetique – France
A website that is designed for French professors, teachers, linguistic lovers, instructor, etc. with detailed information on French phonetics, sound formation, phonemes, exercises on French phonetics, and PDFs that may […]
Planning Conversations to Support FSL Students
This is a learning module with a series of case studies as examples and prompts for participants reflection. “This section includes examples of conversations that school teams may have when […]
Présentation de l’approche intersectionnelle
This document outlines the intersectional approach as formulated by the Ontario Human Rights Code. Le présent document s’appuie sur le travail que la Commission a déjà effectué pour faire apparaître […]
Les femmes dans l’histoire canadienne / Activité
Utilisez cette feuille de travail afin d’accompagner l’activité du guide pédagogique Les femmes dans l’histoire canadienne de Historica Canada. This worksheet has a number of activities intended to help students […]
Les femmes dans l’histoire canadienne : guide pédagogique / Introduction
Introduction to Les femmes dans l’histoire canadienne : guide pédagogique. This is an introduction to Les femmes dans l’histoire canadienne : guide pédagogique, and is accompanied by a series of […]
Les femmes dans l’histoire canadienne guide pédagogique
This is an excellent primer on women’s suffrage and the fight for equality in 20th century Canada. Ce guide complémente les curriculums provinciaux et territoriaux des cours d’histoire et de […]
Literacy with a Social Studies Lens: Reading, Speaking and Listening for Deeper Learning
“During this webinar, you will learn teaching strategies that help students interrogate text, think critically, and discuss controversial issues respectfully. You will also discover how to move to culturally mediated […]
Martin Luther King Jr (Teacher Copy) / Learning Task – Le travail de Martin Luther King Jr
Worksheet about the life and work of Martin Luther King Jr to accompany the TV5MONDE video of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Activer – Mise en place — Action — […]
Languages resources / French resources
Google drive resource with free access to learning units. Themes available to explore are: chores, environment, daily routine, food, French literature, French culture, classroom routine, healthy leaving, my family, school, […]