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Grammaire: poser une question

This story helps the listener to answer the phone effectively. The phone rings, someone answers, and questions are asked until the lady realizes that the person on the other side of the line had called the wrong number. Learning resource type: Listening activity, real world connection, text is transcribed. Keywords: Où, comment, prénom, nom, âge, […]

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Guadeloupe, couleurs Caraïbes

This video is about the tourism and culture of the Guadalupe Island. It talks about its nature, geography and food. Keywords: vocabulary- food, tourism, personal experience, geography The video lasts 2’12”. It has CC and is transcribed. Learner outcomes: Vocabulary and expressions: la mer, la plage, le sable, les cocotiers, les fruits, le touriste, les […]

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Ici-Radio Canada / Radio Canada (French Station)

Ici-Radio Canada is a comprehensive website that includes French programming and radio covering a variety of topics, from news, to politics, sports, entertainment, economics and more. The website can be utilized by a variety of stakeholders and for educational purposes. Ici-Radio Canada is the official radio station of the CBC in French, particularly geared towards […]

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Is French Immersion ‘Suitable’ for Children with Dyslexia?

Dr. Nancy Wise dispels common myths about the ‘suitability’ of French immersion (FI) for children with dyslexia. She shares research evidence obtained by leading investigators indicating that, with the provision of supports both in and outside of school, students with dyslexia can benefit from participation in FI. Nancy highlights the importance of early screening in […]

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L’assassinat de Martin Luther King

Cet épisode de La Grande Explicaiton revient sur le combat acharné de Martin Luther King contre la ségrégation raciale et donne envie d’en savoir plus sur le destin exceptionnel d’un pasteur qui a marqué l’histoire des États-Unis, en prononçant l’un des plus grands discours du XXe siècle. 4-minute video about Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. […]

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L’éducation dans un monde qui change : de quelles compétences avons-nous besoin ?

A video about the importance of 21st century competencies/skills. “Le monde est en changement permanent. Les systèmes éducatifs doivent préparer les apprenants à ces changements. En plus des connaissances de base et des compétences techniques et professionnelles qui les prépareront à des emplois spécifiques, les apprenants sont appelés à acquérir d’autres compétences comme la communication, […]

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French Resources and Video Collections For The Classroom

There are videos and customizable Google slides for different themes and primary grades. “This site offers videos for Primary Core French and Junior Core French. Since they are intended for Primary Core or Immersion classes, they are suitable for FASL students Junior (some Intermediate).” Save to Board […]

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France TV / France TV – France 5

French language video/programming station, specifically in French (France) that offers programming, full-length feature films, news, children’s programming, concerts, live programming, sitcoms, and more. France TV has a variety of programming station, including France 2 to 5 and Replay stations. A French (France) television station that offers viewers a wide variety of programming, from children’s television, […]

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Flipgrid is a website and app that allows teachers to facilitate video discussions. Students are organized into groups, then given access to discussion topics. The topic space serves as an interactive message board where teachers can pose questions and students can post video responses that appear in a tiled grid display. Try using Flipgrid to […]

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