
Exercise Cards for Individual Physical Activity

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Author:  Justin Heenan

Submitted by:  JUSTIN HEENAN

Date Submitted:  February 3, 2022

Language of Resource: English

Resource Type: Learning Object

Media Format: Document

Prep time: 5 minutes

Teaching duration: 15 minutes

This resource is a great way to keep students active independently in the Physical Education Environment. By cutting out the cards, students can read their particular exercise. This is designed for Junior, Intermediate and Senior students as they can use this independently or in small groups. This can be used as a warm up, cool down or circuit style activity to keep students active.

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Program(s): Core French, Immersion, Late Immersion, Extended, Late Extended

Education Level: All Levels

Subject(s): Health and Physical Education

Accessibililty: The resource has been assessed for accessibility purposes and has been determined to be accessible.

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