Publisher: Canadian Parents for French, British Columbia and Yukon Chapters
Hosted by: bc-yk.cpf.ca
Submitted by: yorkfsl
Date Submitted: April 12, 2021
If you are a parent of a high school student in BC or Quebec, looking for a French language exchange program or a work term through Odyssey teaching English and culture while travelling across Canada this resource is for you. Bursary options for teacher candidates and current FSL teachers to improve their French language skills are also highlighted.
A resource for parents of students in grade 9 – 12 looking for exchange opportunities between Quebec and BC. A link to Odyssey work experiences (9 months paid) for students who have completed at least one year of high school within the past 10 years , and wish to share their native English language and culture with others across Canada. This site also provides information on Bursaries for new FSL Teacher Candidates, and or current Extended French and French Immersion Teachers who wish to pursue courses to improve their linguistic academic abilities. Includes a guide to the many other chapters of Canadian Parents for French across Canada with possible exchange and bursary options there as well.
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