
Kids Help Phone / Jeunesse, J’écoute

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Publisher:  Kids Help Phone

Author:  Kids Help Phone

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Submitted by:  yorkfsl

Date Submitted:  October 25, 2021

Language of Resource: English, French

Resource Type: Other

Media Format: Website

Prep time: N/A

Teaching duration: N/A

This site provides information about mental health, interactive activities relating to mental health, and immediate access to a counsellor for youth. There is rich content for educators to help inform teaching about mental health and well-being. Le site est disponsible en français et en anglais.

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Program(s): Core French, Immersion, Late Immersion, Extended, Late Extended

Education Level: All Levels

Subject(s): French Language, Health and Physical Education

Accessibililty: The resource has been assessed for accessibility purposes and has been determined to be accessible.

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