Publisher: QC French
Author: QC French
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Submitted by: yorkfsl
Date Submitted: April 12, 2021
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A printable collection of worksheets created by QC French. Worksheets are in PDF format and are printable and free to use by individuals. The worksheets include grammar points, ER/RE/IR regular and irregular verbs, imperfect tense, adjectives, gender of nouns, and various vocabulary lists (body parts, around the house, food vocabulary). English instructions provided.
A collection of printable worksheets for French learners that includes grammar exercises, conjugating verbs, vocabulary lists, as well as quizzes. The printable worksheets are utilized for a variety of courses but mainly for Core French learners in a secondary setting (Grade 9/10). The grammar is introductory, but can also be applied to an immersion student level in Grades 6,7, and 8.
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