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French Resources and Video Collections For The Classroom

There are videos and customizable Google slides for different themes and primary grades. “This site offers videos for Primary Core French and Junior Core French. Since they are intended for Primary Core or Immersion classes, they are suitable for FASL students Junior (some Intermediate).” Save to Board […]

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France TV / France TV – France 5

French language video/programming station, specifically in French (France) that offers programming, full-length feature films, news, children’s programming, concerts, live programming, sitcoms, and more. France TV has a variety of programming station, including France 2 to 5 and Replay stations. A French (France) television station that offers viewers a wide variety of programming, from children’s television, […]

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Flipgrid is a website and app that allows teachers to facilitate video discussions. Students are organized into groups, then given access to discussion topics. The topic space serves as an interactive message board where teachers can pose questions and students can post video responses that appear in a tiled grid display. Try using Flipgrid to […]

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Elitist, Inequitable and Exclusionary Practices: A Problem within Ontario French Immersion Programs? / A Literature Review

The 2013 Ontario French Second Language (FSL) Curriculum emphasizes inclusivity and bilingualism; however, many students are recommended to opt out of French Immersion (FI). The opting-out of students may support the strengthening of the program by establishing a reputation of success, but how does it affect the withdrawn child? Are FSL programs using best practices […]

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There are over 1.2 billion people learning a language and the majority are doing so to gain access to better opportunities. Unfortunately, learning a language is expensive and inaccessible to most. We created Duolingo so that everyone could have a chance. Free language education – no hidden fees, no premium content, just free. Duolingo is […]

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Diversity in French Immersion Classrooms: A Quick Inclusion Guide for Teachers

Today’s French immersion classrooms are as diverse as other classrooms. This means that some students may require some accommodations to participate fully in a French Immersion program. This can be an opportunity for administrators and teachers to find innovative ways of meeting the needs in their classrooms so that all students may benefit from learning […]

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Darsanimé-Dessin animé islamique / Muslim cartoon

These cartoons can be used to teach children about the Islamic religion and as an intercultural activity, to explain non-Islamic children about Ramadan and other important Islamic holidays. this type of activity helps students to feel included in the school and the classroom. Des méthodes Prophétiques associées aux dernières Découvertes en Neurosciences Cognitives et Affectives, […]

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