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Ain’t I a woman ? / Ne suis-je pas une femme ?

Francais Discours prononcé en 1851,à la Women’s Convention de Akron, Ohio, USA. English This brochure offers two different transcripts of Sojourner Truth’s “Ain’t I a Woman” speech, translated from English to French. The first is by a white woman (Frances Dana Gage) who embellished her transcript of the speech with a southern-style American dialect. Gage […]

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Anti-Racist Art Lessons

This section has lesson plans for various school levels on lessons through an anti-racist lens. “This is an amazing website with resources for Arts Education. All of the resources such as posters, lesson plans, podcasts, information about cultural appropriate is through an anti-racist lens. Many of the strategies and resources shared are cross curricular and […]

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Apprentissage inspiré de la terre Rapport d’étude de cas : comment intégrer une philosophie autochtone à l’enseignement?

This report discusses a land-inspired program that takes a pan-Indigenous approach for indoor and outdoor learning, directed toward youth in the Kootenay region of British Columbia. Note aux enseignants et aux administrateurs — Sommaire — Contexte actuel de l’éducation autochtone au Canada — Étude de cas : H’a H’a Tumxulaux Outdoor Education Program — Incidences […]

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