This resource is the written transcription of a UNESCO video discussing about the Open Educational resources and its benefits for the educational world. Save to Board […]
Learning Material Type: Accessibility Checklist
Teaching Tips
This resource provides tips and strategies for teaching students with a variety of disabilities in Ontario’s post-secondary institutions. These include 1) visual disabilities, 2) deaf-blindness, 3) deaf, deafened or hard of hearing, 4) physical disabilities, 5) speech-related disabilities, 6) mental health disabilities, and 7) learning disabilities. This resource also includes tips on how to create […]
Teaching Students with Disabilities
This resource provides information and strategies to support students with disabilities at the post-secondary level. These include 1) types of disabilities, 2) access to resources, 3) confidentiality, stigma, and disclosure, and 4) teaching for inclusion. Save to Board […]
Equal Access: Universal Design of an Academic Department
This resource provides tips on how post-secondary administrators can promote accessibility within their departments. These areas include, 1) planning, policies, and evaluation, 2) facility and environment, 3) support services, 4) information resources, 5) courses and faculty, and 6) computers, software and assistive technology. This resource also has communication tips for supporting all people with disabilities, […]
Remote learning for students with special education needs: Parent tip sheet
This tip sheet provides strategies for the parents, families, and tutors of students with special needs to help them support their learners during online learning. These strategies are divided into the four following categories: Supporting your child, Communicating with the School, Help educators understand your child, Working with technology. Save to Board […]
Remote learning for students with special education needs: Student tip sheet
This tip sheet provides strategies to help students with special needs succeed during online learning. These strategies are divided into the four following categories: Set yourself up for success, Managing your work, Participating in remote learning, and Advocating for yourself. Save to Board […]
Guide to remote learning for students with special education needs
This guide addresses strategies to support students with special needs as they navigate online learning during the COVID-19 pandemic. Recommendations are made to help students, families, general education teachers, special education teachers, administrators, and school boards navigate the new challenges. Save to Board […]
L’apprentissage à distance pour les élèves ayant des besoins particuliers : fiche-conseil pour les parents/tutrices/tuteurs
Cette fiche-conseil propose des stratégies pour aider les parents, les familles, et les tuteurs d’élèves ayant des besoins particuliers à soutenir leur élève pendant l’apprentissage en ligne. Ces stratégies sont réparties dans les quatre catégories suivantes : soutenir votre enfant, communiquer avec l’école, aider le personnel enseignant à comprendre votre enfant, et utiliser la technologie. […]
L’apprentissage à distance pour les élèves ayant des besoins particuliers : fiche-conseil pour les élèves
Cette fiche-conseil propose aux élèves ayant des besoins particuliers des stratégies pour les aider dans leur apprentissage en ligne. Ces stratégies sont réparties dans les quatre catégories suivantes : te préparer à réussir, gérer ton travail, participer à l’apprentissage à distance, et faire preuve d’autonomie. Save to Board […]
Remote learning for students with special education needs: Educator tip sheet
This tip sheet provides strategies for educators on how to support students with special needs during online instruction. Tier 1 addresses how to encourage engagement, representation, and effective structuring of time/activities. Tiers 2 and 3 divide instructional tips into synchronous and asynchronous models of teaching. Each of these two sections also provides behavioural, communicational, intellectual, […]