This article focuses on four major Canadian policies: The Core French and Immersion program for non-native French speakers, policies surrounding immigrant language learners, heritage teaching and learning disabilities. This article […]
Resource Type: Article
Inclusionary Practises in French Immersion: A Need to Link Research to Practise
This article sheds light on the inequities in the French Immersion Program. It explores key issues such as access to language support, retention, educational support for teachers with students with […]
Dyslexia in the Classroom
This article focuses on the struggles of a student with dyslexia in the French Immersion program. The article sheds light on how parents and teachers must be in constant communication […]
Auto-évaluation : Daily Self-Assessment in the FLS Classroom
This article is about the benefits of self-assessment and its use in language education. The main focus is on auto-évaluation as a means of beginning class in an organized and […]
Sharing Holiday Traditions in the Classroom
This is an Edutopia article about sharing holiday traditions in the classroom to get to know your classmates. It provides questions students can ask each other. The questions are easy […]
French Immersion At-Risk Students: A Review of Research Evidence
This research report highlights the needs of special learners within a French Immersion classroom. It explores how students struggling to read not only in their first language but also in […]
Official Language Bilingualism to the Exclusion of multilingualism: Immigrant Student Perspectives on French as a Second Official Language in ‘English Dominant’ Canada
This article explores how immigrant students perceive French as a Second Language learning in a predominantly English speaking country. This study explores the challenges that immigrant students face due to […]
Self-Efficacy Beliefs of Novice French as a Second Language Teachers: A Case Study of Ontario Teachers
Tous les participants étaient les enseignants du français-cadre ou d’immersion (1er à 8e année). Ils étaient dans leurs premières 3 années d’enseignement. Cette étude examine la confiance des enseignants dans […]
Points of departure: Developing the knowledge base of ESL and FLS teachers for K-12 programs in canada.
Cet article soulève le problème d’insécurité linguistique en examinant la formation des enseignants en L2 (soit anglais langue seconde ou FLS), les connaissances de la langue des enseignants, les compétences […]
« Est-ce que ma francophonie isn’t good enough for you? »
Elle ajoute que les jeunes enfants ne sont pas inquiets face à leur façon de parler, mais quand ils sortent de leur sphère et qu’ils reçoivent des commentaires, ils réalisent […]